Our Podiatric Blog

What is MLS Laser Therapy and How Can It Help You?

What is MLS Laser Therapy and How Can It Help You?

facebooktwitterpinterest Multiwave Locked System (MLS) laser therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and effective treatment method that uses light waves to reduce pain and promote natural healing.  As a relatively modern invention, MLS laser therapy is only recently...

Everyday Stretches for Better Foot and Ankle Health

Everyday Stretches for Better Foot and Ankle Health

facebooktwitterpinterest Have you been experiencing foot and ankle soreness? Well, most people experience pain and discomfort at some point. It may be due to rigorous foot exercise, walks, or straining the feet. While many people might rush to the hospital when in...

Ankle Sprain vs. Fracture: How Do You Tell?

Ankle Sprain vs. Fracture: How Do You Tell?

facebooktwitterpinterest Ankle sprains and fractures are common injuries that can make walking unpleasant and challenging. Even though both injuries might be excruciatingly painful, you can tell which one you have since they differ significantly. Because each illness...

What to Do When Athlete’s Foot Won’t Go Away

facebooktwitterpinterest Have you tried everything you can think of to get rid of athlete’s foot? But the itchy white patches between the toes won’t go away? Even if you have tried taking sea salt baths and soaking your feet in vinegar and water, a stubborn athlete’s...

Do Home Remedies for Plantar Warts Work?

facebooktwitterpinterest If you have plantar warts—hard, grainy growths located on the bottom of one or both feet—then you may be searching for remedies to make them go away. Plantar warts, after all, can be painful and cause discomfort when you walk, stand, and...

Your Guide to Skin and Nail Care

Your Guide to Skin and Nail Care

facebooktwitterpinterest Our feet carry us through our days; it's important to take care of them. Even though they are resilient, they still need a little TLC from time to time. Even something as small as an ingrown toenail or dry skin can have a big impact on our...

Getting Rid of Your Ingrown Toenail at Home

Getting Rid of Your Ingrown Toenail at Home

facebooktwitterpinterest Ingrown toenails are frustratingly common and can impact anyone. Typically affecting the big toe, ingrown toenails occur when a nail grows into the surrounding skin. Telltale symptoms to look out for include pain, swelling, bleeding, and...

What You Can Do for Heel Pain at Home

facebooktwitterpinterest Heel pain is an absolutely awful companion. However, it is one that people take everywhere with them daily. Maybe it is a companion that waits for you in the early mornings and pounces as soon as your feet hit the ground causing you to limp...